Spring Water vs Distilled Water

Are you trying to decide between spring water and distilled water? This guide compares the two types of water to help you choose the best option for your needs.


4/3/20234 min read

slices of lemons in clear pitcher filled with water
slices of lemons in clear pitcher filled with water

Water is a vital element of our daily life. We all know that drinking plenty of water is essential for our health and well-being. However, with so many different types of water available on the market, it can be challenging to know which one is the best for our health. Two of the most popular types of water are spring water and distilled water.

While both types of water are essential for our health, they have significant differences that can affect their taste, quality, and overall benefits. In this article, we'll take a comprehensive look at spring water and distilled water, exploring their differences, benefits, and drawbacks. So, whether you're a health enthusiast or just curious about water types, read on to find out what sets spring water and distilled water apart from each other.

How is Spring Water Collected?

Spring water is collected from the natural source using a variety of methods. The most common method is to drill a well or borehole into the ground to access the underground reservoir. The water is then pumped to the surface using a pump or other equipment. In some cases, the spring water is collected directly from the source using a natural spring outlet.

Once the water is collected, it is transported to a bottling plant, where it is tested for purity and quality. The water is then bottled and sold to consumers. Some companies add minerals and other nutrients to the water to enhance its taste and health benefits.

Benefits of Spring Water

Spring water is considered one of the healthiest types of water available. It is rich in natural minerals and nutrients that are essential for our health, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. These minerals are easily absorbed by the body and help to maintain proper hydration levels.

The natural minerals and nutrients in spring water can also improve the taste and quality of the water. The unique composition of spring water gives it a refreshing taste that is often preferred over other types of water.

In addition, spring water is free from chemical additives and contaminants, making it a safe and healthy option for drinking. It is also a more sustainable choice, as it is sourced naturally and does not require the use of energy-intensive treatment processes.

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is a type of water that has been purified through a distillation process. This process involves boiling water and then condensing the steam back into a liquid form. The water is then collected and bottled for consumption.

Distilled water is free from impurities and contaminants, as the distillation process removes all minerals, chemicals, and other substances from the water. This makes distilled water one of the purest types of water available.

How is Distilled Water Made?

Distilled water is made using a distillation process that involves boiling water to produce steam. The steam is then collected and condensed back into a liquid form. During this process, all minerals, chemicals, and other substances are removed from the water, resulting in pure, distilled water.

Distilled water can also be produced using a distillation machine, which is commonly used in households and commercial settings. These machines work by heating water and then collecting the steam in a separate container. The steam is then condensed back into a liquid form, producing distilled water.

Benefits of Distilled Water

Distilled water is a pure and clean source of drinking water. It is free from impurities and contaminants, making it a safe and healthy option for drinking. Distilled water is also pH-neutral, which means it can help to balance the body's pH levels and improve overall health.

Distilled water is also useful in various household and industrial applications, such as for use in steam irons, humidifiers, and medical equipment. Its purity makes it an ideal option for these types of applications, as it does not contain any impurities that could damage the equipment.

Differences between Spring Water and Distilled Water

Spring water and distilled water have significant differences that affect their taste, quality, and overall benefits. The main differences between these two types of water are:

1. Mineral Content - Spring water contains natural minerals and nutrients that are essential for our health, while distilled water is completely free from minerals and nutrients.

2. Taste - Spring water has a unique taste that is often preferred over other types of water, while distilled water has a flat and bland taste.

3. Purity - Distilled water is the purest type of water available, as it is free from impurities and contaminants. Spring water is also pure, but it may contain some natural impurities and minerals.

4. Processing - Spring water is not chemically treated or processed, while distilled water is produced through a distillation process that removes all minerals and contaminants from the water.

Which Water is Best for Drinking?

The choice between spring water and distilled water ultimately depends on personal preference and individual health needs. Spring water is a natural source of minerals and nutrients that are essential for our health, while distilled water is completely free from impurities and contaminants.

If you're looking for a pure and clean source of drinking water, distilled water may be the best option. However, if you prefer water with a unique taste and natural minerals, spring water may be the better choice.

It's important to note that both types of water are safe and healthy options for drinking. The choice between spring water and distilled water is a matter of personal preference and individual health needs.


In conclusion, water is a vital element of our daily lives, and choosing the right type of water is essential for our health and well-being. Spring water and distilled water are two of the most popular types of water available, and they have significant differences that can affect their taste, quality, and overall benefits.

Spring water is a natural source of minerals and nutrients that are essential for our health, while distilled water is completely free from impurities and contaminants. Both types of water are safe and healthy options for drinking, and the choice between them ultimately depends on personal preference and individual health needs.

No matter which type of water you choose, it's important to drink plenty of water every day to maintain proper hydration levels and support overall health and well-being.